Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nail Mail tales (check out this ring)

Happy Tuesday! I am super excited today! Yesterday I came home to some nail mail! I actually didn't even remember what one of the packages was and it took me a minute to realize it was polish from a blogsale. Duh! I am not even going to ramble much right now because I am so excited to show you this stuff!

The first package I opened was a swap from an awesome nail boarder over on MUA. I swapped her for OPI Wing It! She added the most generous extras in her swap package. THANK YOU DENISE!

Wing It! is gorgeous, even prettier in person than in pictures. I keep thinking I am not a pink girl but then I see polishes like this and LOVE them! I brushed it over yesterday's mani just to see it and I CAN NOT WAIT to try it out. When is OPI week? Are we there yet? She also sent Firefly which is totally awesome because I had been wanting this baby. Unfortunately Jesse's Girl is not in stores down here and when I went to Rite Aid in NC they didn't have it. Super cool. Now that extremely awesome bubble up there on top of the OPI polish is a NAIL POLISH RING!!!!

Yes I know I am huge dork but I am sooo excited because I think this is cooler than sliced bread. I make beaded jewelry but I have never thought of (or even know how to do it) nail polish jewelry. Super cool ring and I have only taken it off to sleep. I was actually afraid I would smack myself in the face with it if I slept with it on otherwise I totally would have.

I told her I probably shouldn't wear it to work because it would distract me all day. I was right! I keep looking at it and moving it around in the light so all the glitter sparkles. At certain angles it looks spacy. She has been making nail polish jewelry for about a month now and should totally start selling it because I definitely want more!

That last picture is my favorite. All the pictures taken today are taken with my mom's snazzy new camera. It has way too many bells and whistles on it but my goodness the pictures it takes are so much better than my camera. Look at that close up! I might have to borrow hers hehe.

The mystery package I also received was a couple of polishes I had been wanting that I found on a blog sale. I was completing the whole transaction during my weekend in NC and I guess was so busy I kept forgetting about it. It was a great surprise yesterday when the package arrived.

I snagged China Glaze Ingrid and Zoya Envy. I love blog sales! I am trying to remember if I already have Zoya Envy. I can't remember though. Maybe I shouldn't buy from blog sales while on vacation lol.

That's all for now :)

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