Since Kristi tagged me first I am using her 11 questions (sorry I am too lazy to answer Angie's too lol):
1. When did you start getting into nail polish?
Hmmm, I wasn't allowed to wear polish until 9th grade when I started public school. It was then that I REALLY got into polish but I always loved it and wore it when I was young. I had that peel off polish when I was really little.
2. What was your first (or favorite) lemming fulfilled?
My first lemming fulfilled was Deborah Lippman Across the Universe which I swapped for.
3. What's your favorite color of nail polish, and is it different than your favorite everyday color?
Blue and Green are my favorite polish colors and my favorite everyday color is blue.
4. What other hobbies/interests do you have?
Oh my, tons! Music, crafts, crochet, baking, writing, reading, football, and tons more. I am all over the place lol.
5. Do you have any pets?
I have 2 cats Bruce Kittlee Master Ninja Warrior and Captain Neileon the Chameleon. 2 dogs Newey and Mr. Charleston Chew. Our zoo has been downsized a little sadly :(
6. Why do you blog?
I love writing and rambling and figured this would be the place to keep all my mani ideas together. It is amazing to correspond with people all over the world that share the polish love.
7. Are you Team Helmer or Team Melmer? (Or Team Something Else?)
Team Helmer. I need another one since my two are already full. I think I need an intervention actually.
8. What's your current stash count (not including treatments)?
Uh, A TON! I don't have an exact count but I am overflowing 2 Helmers so you get the idea.
9. What's your favorite nail polish finish? Creme, jelly, shimmer, etc.
I am very into jellies lately. Glitter and creme and matte and shimmer. Pretty much everything but frosty.
10. What's your favorite drink?
A&W Diet Rootbeer. I should actually go check the one I have chilling in the freezer now that you reminded me.
11. What's your favorite TV show?
Oh gosh. I don't know that I have one that I HAVE to watch all the time. I do very much enjoy Big Bang Theory, Law and Order SVU the repeats on USA, NCIS the original one also repeated on USA, ummmm I think those are the ones that I watch most regularly.
Ok this is where I fail guys I went through a chunk of my blog list and can only find a few that meet the 200 follower requirement. Since there are no tag backs I can't use the girls that nominated me which further cuts my list down. So I am just going to nominate one person because she totally rocks, I LOVE her blog and she meets the requirement. If you don't follow her you totally should because she is a sweetheart and always creates more lemmings for me with her pictures.
My Questions for you:
1. What first got you into nail polish?
2. Do you have any pets?
3. What is your favorite brand?
4. Are you into the Indie polishes?
5. If you had unlimited funds what 3 polishes would you buy?
6. What is your favorite drink?
7. If you never had to work again what would you spend time doing?
8. What is your favorite finish?
9. What is your biggest lemming?
10. Why did you start blogging?
Now I better get back to work.
That's all for now :)