Saturday, October 8, 2011

Working Saturday

Hey Everyone!!! Today I have a quick post for you but there are no nails. It is the last day of the nail strips so later I will be taking pictures of them and getting those ready for a post. Today is a stormy, rainy day and we spent most of the morning working on a project my son has due Monday. He is going to his dad's today so he has to get it done before he can go otherwise it won't get done. SO we woke up early, headed out in the rain to buy poster board and worked on it. 

Bruce had some work to do today as well.

First he had to analyze the mouse. He had to make sure it worked and was a mouse not a mouse.

Then he had to make some decisions on which parts should be ordered and from what companies.

It was all very tiring for him and he was worn out by the time it was over. 

AND we finally got the project done and it doesn't look too bad :)

That's all for now :)


  1. Poor Bruce! Worked to the bones! I hope that he is recovering nicely. Hee hee.

  2. I dont know how you could have gotten that done without Bruce!


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